So a huge thank you for all that have been praying for my mom as she was in Haiti this past week. God was able to work in incredible ways through her and around her. I am going to be posting her story through her words and eyes in the next couple posts. So I turn it over to her now. Be blessed through her story (:
This trip to Haiti has been one of the most, if not THE most incredible experiences of my life. Words cannot convey what I have seen, heard, touched, breathed in---a lively culture, so welcoming to us, I am humbled by the opportunity the Lord has blessed me with. Come with me through this photo journey now and imagine hearing the sounds I heard as I traveled here..Its like a party going on: the romantic Creole language,.hearty laughter, robust singing, roosters crowing, goats maa-ing, dogs barking, horns honking. Now imagine this all happening at once, continually. Here we go.
.Kathie Zellon.
.Kathie Zellon.