Kinda like the perfect combination I would have to say, eh?
It was a privilege (to say the very least) to witness two incredible children of our King enter in a covenant with each other. There has only been maybe two weddings that I can say that I was just amazed blown away by the Spirit. This is one of them-and I can still recall the presence that saturated the room.
So on the way back to Chicago this evening I sat next to this guy. There was nothing outstanding or extraordinary outwardly about him. I sat down and we didn't really acknowledge each other. Fastening my seat belt I settled into my seat and prepared for the flight. He was kind of fidgety and he finally got situated, pulling out a Bible. It was something that made me smile. I was not looking for that and didn't expect it at all. The first thought that came to my mind was to ask him if he was a Christian....well duh-that kinda was already pretty much a given. So I was going to not say anything....and then He spoke to me-"won't you greet your brother?" and I was kinda like, "Uh....well ya!" But then I started letting my little thoughts freak me out-"What if he's not? What if he thinks I'm a nut for asking me? What if, what if, what if" Finally I screamed out (in my head of course-I am sitting in an airplane...) "What in the world?! Just fellowship and enjoy Him together!" So there I he looked out the window I asked him what church he went to.....
That first step seemed so daunting-so stupid. But how often do we just go along-ignoring our brothers and sisters? How often do I choose the path of fear instead of love? This whole incident/situation/whatever you decide to call it-opened my eyes to this aspect of the Body. You never know when an opportunity will present itself to you to reach into a brother or sisters life and share in the goodness of our Dad. After that encounter I decided to step out in love and speak life into whoever He brings my way.
Think about it this way-what if someone randomly turned to you in an airplane or in the grocery store and started speaking life to you and encouraging you? How awesome is that to think about?! Ya-that's what I'm thinkin' about these days...
But if we are the Body
Why aren't His arms reaching
Why aren't His hands healing
Why aren't His words teaching
And if we are the Body
Why aren't His feet going
Why is His love not showing them there is a way
Jesus paid much too high a price
For us to pick and choose who should come
And we are the Body of Christ
be blessed