Taste it, smell it, feel it. We can sense it in every aspect of our lives. You think you have run away from it only to find you are smack in the middle of it. It oozes around you and constricts you. It whispers your name, speaking words of doubt. The words are seared into your mind; they ring loud and clear every time you try to make a decision. How can you escape? It appears to have latched into your mind and invaded all areas. It’s become this poison that has been injected and has stealthy spread throughout your being.
So many are held back by this thing called fear. To many it has been their way of life for as long as they can recall. Others have had it thrust upon them. They yearn to be released and free. Even Christians wrestle with this. They look at the people who are with out hindrance and without anything holding them back, they desire it so much. However, when they try for it they can’t rip the chains off. The chains have held them back for so long. The story of Little Dorritt by Charles Dickens just exudes this. Mr. Dorritt has been in the debtors’ prison for so long and when one day he is offered to step outside he cowers back, frozen in fear of what lies outside the cold walls of his prison. He would rather only know the confinement of the walls then taste the freedom of the fresh air outside of them.
Its time to claim the promise that God has NOT given us the spirit of fear but of love, power and sound mind. Those that live in the love will have power and will be able to make choices with a mind that is clear and free from any set backs. If you put on love it means that you have put on the new creature. If that is true then you have also put on Christ. So in him there is no condemnation-no fear. Live in it- this will be continued…