When do you think is a normal time to get up? 7am, 8am, maybe even 10am? Whatever that time is for you I am sure that it is a great time. But wonder is you started changing that time you woke up in the morning. What if you started waking up earlier for a purpose? Okay, so you may have ajob that requires you to rise early. But wonder if on top of rising early for your job you rose to spend more time with Him? Well, i enjoy sleep- i feel the adequate amount needed for me should be more that the required 8 hours an adult should have. However, this month of January has been turned into 'rising early' month. Not just getting up early just to do it but for a purpose soley to seek Him. It has been so amazing to see how awesome it is to get up early. The Oliverios and I have been going through the Crazy Love book by Francis Chan. It has been changing our perspective and causing us to think on 'these things'. Chan has put videos on his site that go along with each chapeter of the book. Even if you haven't read the book just check out his videos.
There has been a question on my mind since yesterday. I asked a couple of my friends what they thought about it and neither of them really had an answer. The question is this- what will people remember about you if you were to die tomorrow? What would be said about you? Would they recognize that you lived to bring glory to Him? I was reaading the story of Cassie Bernall, a girl that was my age when she was martyred for her faith in Jesus Christ. In her book there are numerous letters from those who knew her. Many recognize how she was willing to be used by Him and for His glory. They probably never really told her that while she was alive but it was so very evident that they recognized it. Anyways, it is something to think about, but not only think about but live it.