The wind is a little blustery today, the air just a bit nippier, and it seems like I have felt these things before. The time has come for warm sweater, hot chocolate(possibly from Starbucks), and Christmas music! Here in the mail room we have begun to fill the basement with carols and songs about White Christmases. Hopefully soon we will begin to deck the halls and make it festive around here. I know that it is not yet Thanksgiving but soon it will be! There is exactly 6 weeks left till Christmas! How exciting:)
"Buna dimineata" is how we are greeted in the morning when we arrive at staff meeting. There is a group of Romanian pastors here at Head Quarters. They are here to meet with Mr. Gothard and for some of them it is their first time being in America!
Last night we had a banquet in their honor. Andrew Ouatu, Brandon Keilen, Janny Moore, and myself. The dinner was wonderful and the dessert even better :) A group sang for them and they in return sang for us. The voices of these men are indescribable. They have such power in them and they demand your attention when they lift their voices together. I would have to say that my favorite part about them being here is singing with them. We sing in English and they join in Romanian. There is nothing like it, it makes me think of the verse that says every tribe, tongue, nation will profess Jesus as Lord. To hear that sound would be amazing-I can't wait:)
Every morning the staff comes together to listen to Mr. Gothard. He encourages us to take notes, afterwards we turn them in, he reads them, and they are returned to us. Here are some notes that were taken a couple of days ago....
Praise God and rejoice in your suffering
Connect back with God
Obey then understand john 15:16
Make the most of the relationships God has placed in your life even if they are for a short season
Isaiah 6:8 Trust God whether He sends you or not
Choose to forgive
Take every thought captive and bring it under Jesus authority
Put your fear on God's throne and experience His peace
God after God-do whatever it takes
I know that they are not very focused on one particular subject but they are powerful statements that he made. So I leave you with this-
Isaia30:18,,Totuş Domnul aşteaptă să Se milostivească de voi, şi Se va scula să vă dea îndurare, căci Domnul este un Dumnezeu drept: ferice de toţi ceice nădăjduiesc în El!
"Buna dimineata" is how we are greeted in the morning when we arrive at staff meeting. There is a group of Romanian pastors here at Head Quarters. They are here to meet with Mr. Gothard and for some of them it is their first time being in America!
Last night we had a banquet in their honor. Andrew Ouatu, Brandon Keilen, Janny Moore, and myself. The dinner was wonderful and the dessert even better :) A group sang for them and they in return sang for us. The voices of these men are indescribable. They have such power in them and they demand your attention when they lift their voices together. I would have to say that my favorite part about them being here is singing with them. We sing in English and they join in Romanian. There is nothing like it, it makes me think of the verse that says every tribe, tongue, nation will profess Jesus as Lord. To hear that sound would be amazing-I can't wait:)
Every morning the staff comes together to listen to Mr. Gothard. He encourages us to take notes, afterwards we turn them in, he reads them, and they are returned to us. Here are some notes that were taken a couple of days ago....
Praise God and rejoice in your suffering
Connect back with God
Obey then understand john 15:16
Make the most of the relationships God has placed in your life even if they are for a short season
Isaiah 6:8 Trust God whether He sends you or not
Choose to forgive
Take every thought captive and bring it under Jesus authority
Put your fear on God's throne and experience His peace
God after God-do whatever it takes
I know that they are not very focused on one particular subject but they are powerful statements that he made. So I leave you with this-
Isaia30:18,,Totuş Domnul aşteaptă să Se milostivească de voi, şi Se va scula să vă dea îndurare, căci Domnul este un Dumnezeu drept: ferice de toţi ceice nădăjduiesc în El!