Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart
That is kinda how it has been lately. These days have been filled to more than max capacity. There is no denying that Jesus is good. It is not in the material sense that you see this happening, but in something far greater and more important.
"I have been blessed, God's so good to me, precious are His thoughts of you and me. No way I could count them there's not enough time, so I'll just thank Him for being so kind. God has been good, so good. I have been blessed."
No matter how many things get tossed your way, in the end do they really matter? Life is hard, life is rough, life isn't fair. Yes, we could dwell on those things. We could look at the hardness and darkness around us and let it consume us. We could have a cynical attitude and be justified in it. But why would you want to live your life that way? Why would you choose to look at life with that perspective? There may be some that will tell me that I am trying to ignore the fact of the reality of life. No, I understand it all very well. I am not ignorant of the evil around me and the dismal state of the nations. But I know what is coming, I know that there is life. I know that If you choose to find the beauty that you will find it. I choose to see the good triumph over evil. I choose to see the dawn after the darkness. I choose to see the beauty in the ashes. I choose life.
I know that it has been a while since I last was able to update you. I finally have found the time to write down my thoughts about Peru.
Being able to go back to the land that is packed full of life and brimming over with excitement was overwhelming. The air is thick once you arrive and you are immersed suddenly in a sea of arms and faces. How amazing was it for me to be there? How good is God? I believe Him to be too good to me. I believe it to be far surpassing amazement that I was there. I don’t sometime understand why He allowed it all, but then I come to point that I know I don’t have to question it or be concerned. There would be times that I would be standing there in the midst of the people and I would be completely overtaken by the wonder of His glory. I would open my eyes and would see the lives, each one searching and yearning for love and acceptance. They were all so eager to lavish affection on you but the need for them to receive for surpassed. I have been touched in a way that I know will be branded in my heart forever. You can’t be among the people and walks the dirty streets and not be impacted.
There was so many opportunities to minister, it was like God had specifically hand picked each moment for every individual person. I watched as truth and love mingled together in the words that were spoken by my friends around me. Language is no barrier for love; love seeps through the cracks and crevices and flings open doors. I was witness to it happening around me every where we went. I would see people talking to each other, one a white American and the other a native Peruvian, with out hindrance of communication. Jesus became our words and reached beyond our wildest imaginations. You know that He tells us that is what He does, “Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” He continued to amaze us over and over and over again. Just think about going to a school and being able to teach students there for the entire day! Imagine walking in to a conference center and hosting a 10 hour seminar for pastors (some that had traveled days just to be there). How about visiting a women’s prison that held drug addicts and criminals of many crimes? You visit all these places and you don’t come back from them the same. There is no way that you can distance yourself from the reality around you.
I want to leave you with a taste of Peru. There is no words to be able to describe all that happened while we were there. There are no pictures that can capture what we felt. I know that I can speak for the rest of the team when I say that we have been privileged to be in the presence of God. We deserve nothing and yet He opened the floodgates of Heaven and poured out His favor on us.
Loving freely and openly. What does that look like? What does it feel like? What does it sound like? I believe it is complete openness and freedom to be who you were created to be and allowing the other person to be who they were made to be. Who were we made to be? We were made to be people who live for the glory of Jesus. That means to live with out fear, to live in utter abandonment, to live unashamedly. Perfect love castes out fear, when there is fear there can’t be perfect love. Same is true that when there is perfect love there can be no fear. Imagine living life with out fear! Imagine the freedom that would come, freedom to live with out expectations, freedom from lies, freedom from living up to everyone else, freedom from being shot down, and I could keep on going forever. But, we as people have this perspective on life that there is never a life that can fully live in that unhindered freedom. There must be a catch, right? I believe that there doesn’t have to be. I believe that we were and are meant to live in abundance of life. Abundant life would mean a giving life, because there is plenty to go around. We are to share in each other and invest and love freely. Love that gives in abundance without expecting anything back is a beautiful thing.
I don’t know why I wrote all of that, but it was all swirling inside and had to come out. So there it is, I know that I could spend more time going into more details, but for now that is all.
So there has been absolutely no time. Well, there has been time-but it has flown by so fast that I didn't even realize that it was already Thursday!!! Where did Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday fly off to? It has all blurred together, the various things we have been doing the past couple of days.
So here is a quick recap-
Presidential school
75 anniversary of Health. Basically this was a 'seminar' that was held at the Ministry of Health building. Mr Gothard and Dr. Billica were the main presentors for many of the doctors. They proposed the idea of how our health is related to many stresses. We then went to visit the hospital that had a group of students specializing in cancer research. They gave us their approach and then Mr. Gothard presented his viewpoint as well. Dinner was at a Chino restraraunt and the vice Minister of Women met us all there.
Pastors confernce began around 8 in the morning. These were pastors from around the area but also there was a couple that had traveled over 36 hours to be there for this meeting. This conference was about 10 hours {including breakfast and lunch} long, so we were there for the entire day. For dinner we went out for chicken and fries [the best you've EVER had] with Armando.
Team 1 met with the elexted candidates of Callao while Team 2 went to visit the Santa Monica Chorrilos Prison. We all ended up meeting up with each other for lunch hosted by the candidates. Then it was off to the township of Pachacutec to meet with children for character training. It was absolutely incredible to be in the midst of all the children and be able to love on them all. How amazing could it be?!
So it has been crazy, insane and awesome. I believe that He has gone before us and prepare our way. Keep praying! Specific requests would include peoples health//meeting with gang leaders//endurance
Again, sorry about the pictures, it let me upload two but then is being a brat and won't let me do any more.....
We have arrived! Chicago to San Salvador to Peru in one day can take your breath away. We left head quarters at about midnight (Sunday morning) and flew out around 3 am!!! I have to say that nothing can beat the birds eye view of the sunrise. I was struck speechless as the captivating beauty arose right in front of me.
Once we arrived in Peru we were greeted by old friends and taken to our hotel. We had some time to wash our sleep depraved faces and breath for a bit before we headed out. Meeting in the lobby is a hilarious sight, I know that it must be. All of us being coralled together as Mr. Maddix shouts out our directions above the chaotic clamor. The hustle and bustle of it all is enough to engergize you for a week straight. The rate my adreneline has been pumping, I think I should be good for the rest of the month!
We went to the Missionary Alliance church and were welcomed by the beat of little feet on the pavement. The children perfomed a traditional dance for us and decorated our suits with hand made pins. We were embraced and welcomed like the best of long lost friends. The service began and the air was thick with anticipation of what was going to happen. We were all called up to the front as Mr. Gothard proceeded to share his heart with the people of the church. It was an amazing sight to see-the entire building looked as if stuffed any more it surely would burst at its seams. A few of us shared our testimony and the entire group sang a couple of the old favorites :) After the service ended (two hours later) we were once again emersed in a sea of arms hugging us and faces lit up with smiles. Dinner was provided for us there in a tent set up outside the church. We laughed and talked, each action filled with uncontainable emotions of joy and excitement.
This morning we woke up and enjoyed a fresh cup of Peruvian coffee before we headed out the door to the Presidential school. Ont he way we prepared for what was fast approaching-teaching character. By preparing I guess you could actually say, praying. It was something we could only 'prepare' for so much and the rest was up to God. We usually fly by the seat our pants and that is exactely what we did today. We met in a large assembly with kids ranging in age from 13-16. The first lesson of the day was about attentiveness. we taught the definition along with a song and other attention grabbing pointers. We broke for lunch and met back around 2 something. (I don't even remember the hours that flew by today) The kids grouped back up after eating and we introduced the quality of forgiveness. We reviewed the first part of the day and then we gave a chalk talk about how bad things in our life can be ment and used for good. From there we were seperated into small groups that had about 45 min to teach more in depth and personalize it as well. It was INCREDIBLE! Being able to spend that time with the kids up close and personal was absolutley priceless! It was hard when it was time to go, even though we had spent literally the entire day there, it just didn't seem like enough time. But we have an open door to come back when ever we are able to! Is that not amazing?!
So, of course dinners here are never just dinners, they are more like an event. 'Chino' was the food of choice this evening. It may surprise you that there is an abundance of chinese food here in Peru. It's amazing in every single way you could ever imagine!
Well, seeing as it is incredibly not the earliest bed time hour, I should probably go. It has awesome sharing with you just a glimpse into the first day of our time here in Peru. Sorry that there are no pictures yet, that will have to be for another time. Don't worry, I have taken plenty just today :)
Be blessed and continue praying!!!!
Alisa Price is very sick
Meetings tomorrow with Minister of Women
Health conference
Today is the day. in twelve hours we will be packing up and heading to O'Hare airport. People are every where here doing last minute practices, collating the ever important business cards, and catching up on final work projects. I bet if I were to take a poll of the people here, the majority would not yet even be packed. God is pretty amazing pulling us all together and even when it seems impossible, He accomplishes it all for us. I know that He will provide the exact amount of time that is needed to complete everything necessary.
Alright, so here is little preview of Peru. It is located in western South America. It is surrounded by Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, and the Pacific Ocean is on its coast. If you know anything about the Incas then you know a bit about Peru. This is where the Inca Empire was located, the Incas ruled there until they were conquered by the Spanish Empire. However, they did gain independence in 1821 from Spain.
Peru is divided into three distinct regions- coast, mountains, and jungle. Lima, the capital, is the fifth largest city in Latin America. This is where we will be staying while we are there. We also will be visiting Callao, Lima's seaport.
Okay, so there is just a very brief overview of Peru. Really it didn't even scratch the surface, but at least you know where it is!
Continue praying. May He be glorified.
The months turned to weeks, the weeks to days, and soon the day will be hours. The count down for Peru is soon coming to an end! It seems like just last week we were in Peru. Time has now come for us to head back to the people there that we had so quickly become attached to.
What am I most excited about?! Seeing the faces of those we had embraced as we left to come back. Hearing the unfamiliar, yet wonderful sounds of those in a different tongue. Smelling the air filled with ocean mist and mountain haze. Feeling the beat of the hearts as you hold them in your lap.
This time we are taking a group of about 50. Mostly it will be those that are head quarters, some will be joining us from Texas, Canada, and Mexico. Our last trip to Peru was a group of about 21 young people and Mr. Gothard. You can here a report of that last trip here- Peru Report.There is a place to sign up to be part of a prayer team that receives updates.
Our goal this time, as a group, is to be involved in many schools and teach character. Mr. Gothard is also going to be meeting with many groups of people. We will be staying in the same place as last time and will be there for a week.
I am nervous and excited at the same time. Thrilled with what lays ahead. I know it is a tough battle and it's been going on for a long time. Pray hard and fight for His people. Pray for boldness, pray for the enemy to be bound, pray for ears to be opened, pray for fear to vanish, pray for glory to be made known.
Jesus came to set the captives free
Showed us by the way He lived
The way we need to be
Oh love is more than words could ever say
We must touch them with compassion
To help them find their way
Showed us by the way He lived
The way we need to be
Oh love is more than words could ever say
We must touch them with compassion
To help them find their way
Okay so has God ever visited you in a red t shirt and pair of jeans?
Well He never had until today.
You never know when or where He is going to show up so it’s best to always kinda be expectin’ Him. He took me a bit by surprise, but then again I shouldn’t have been. He is always everywhere and so therefore we just can’t get away (but if you think about it why would you want to get away-that is a totally different subject J) Ok so where was I, oh yeah, can’t get away…
This kid was up there in the lobby, wanting his journey books (cause he is going on this next guys journey what do ya know?!) So you want to make him feel welcome and make him smile so you talk and ask and etc…so he totally was like so excited and told about how long he had driven-sleeping in his truck-just arriving and being totally stoked! Then he says that he works for a ministry called Gospel for Asia!!!! Normally that would have been like whatever, BUT God was like ten steps ahead of this very moment….HOW??? Well on Tuesday, Andrew was telling me all about this ministry. Why? Cause I had mentioned that someday I want to go to India. AND this ministry serves in India! Totally amazing cause India is a closed country to missions…but this ministry allows you to come and serve there! SOOOOOOOOO this kid just came back from there!!!!!!!! He started telling all these stories about it and like it was so awesome! Then he gave me the website ( ) and said to look at it and then also he is trying to raise money to go back there!
"Come, children of God, and understand that it is the Lord Jesus who wants to work through you. You complain of your lack of fervent love. It will come from Jesus. He will pour divine love into your heart so that you can love people. That is the meaning of the assurance “ the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit”; and of the other word, “the love of Christ constrains us.” Christ can put in you such a fountain of love that you cannot help but love the most wretched, the most ungrateful, even those who have tried you the most. Rest in Christ, who gives wisdom and strength. You do not realize how restfulness will often prove to be the best part of your witness. If you please and argue with people, they will only understand that you are striving with them. It will only be as if two men are not in agreement and are struggling on an earthly level with each other. But if you will let the deep rest of God envelop you, the peace and quiet and holiness of heaven will open the heart of the listener to hear the words you speak."-Unknown
Let me just ask this-have you ever witnessed a miracle? Have you ever tasted the bitter sweetness of Him? Have you ever heard a cry of victory ring out clear through the Heavens? Have you ever wept so hard you thought that you would collapse? Have you ever been so wasted and empty yet filled to overflowing at the same time? These are just a few things that I can put into words taht have happened just over the past couple days.
What is it? Why so many dramatic things all thrown together? I don't have an explanation for you, I can't even tell you the reason. I know that what I have been in is His glory. It is a thing that I fear and am in awe of. Some thing I never want to pass me by. It is too awesome for words and too wonderful to paint you a picture.
Jesus is powerful. He is faithful. My Savior takes interest and delights in us. I know He is Sovereign. May He be praised and lifted high.
Today as we stepped into the Garden of the Gods my breath was taken away. But then it hit me, even though these rocks were amazing I would not allow them to cry out first. I can imagine that they could echo their cry across the universe, but today was not their day. It was ours to proclaim His majesty.
Coming back after the portrait session we were once again filled to max capacity with a tons of information. Learning about how powerful an image can be was incredible. It's like music, you can control a persons emotions by a few lines of a melody. And with just a mixture of color and a subject you can captivate a person through photography. Realizing that you hold so much sway over a person's emotions was something that blew me away. Going from that aspect and then to learning about landscape photography was, to me, fitting. Being able to portray the glory of Jesus in and through His creation was powerful to learn about.
On the way to the final shooting location I was completely struck by His goodness. It was been prominent in every aspect of the week so far. He has shown Himself in so many ways that normally you wouldn't even take the time to notice. We arrived at our destination to the golden glow of the sun about to set. It stole your breath as you were enveloped in the fading light. His goodness was there among us, and tomorrow is another day!
Pulling into Lima there was still no set schedule. We had no idea what we were headed into. Teofilo told us that we must not take anything that we couldn't hold on tight to. So, many of us left out cameras in the bus and piled out. Walking was now the choice of transportation. It was such an amazing change to actually be able to walk the streets! All of us were to have a 'buddy' as we paraded around in our suits and high heels. We turned corners and passed shops until we suddenly opened a door and were stepping into the Presidential Palace! This, ladies and gentlemen, was a complete shock. Well, at least to me, cause if they had announced it to us I completely missed out on the memo. We were lead into a room where Mr. Gothard a few other from our team were already gathered around. From the hall we stepped into El Salon Dorado, the place where many guests are received and where the President was going to be doing an event later on in the day. The Salon opened up to el Salon Tupac Amaru, a large room with had a fireplace and a gigantic table lined with chairs. In here were huge windows, as we looked out the windows our attention was captivated by the motocross display out in the streets. Bikers were racing on the track, taking the jump and doing magnificent tricks in the air before they landed. It was told that the President was going to be hosting this event the next day. Come to find out he used to race too! Finally we were pealed away and came into El Gran Hall. This halls doors were the front doors to the palace. The doors were opened and we snapped a picture of us all lined up on the front steps. As we walked inside one of the racers was headed in. His name, we came to soon find out, was Martin. he originally came from the Czech Republic. We talked for a while and got a picture with him. Mr. Gothard shared Jesus with him and Martin prayed and acknowledged Him as his Savior! By this time the rest of the group was in Elgran Comedor. This was a ornate dining room that had even hosted our President Bush when he had visited Peru! It was absolutely amazing to walk in the beauty of it all.
By this time we really hadn't eaten at all and were pretty hungry by now. A quick stop at a local burger place held us over as we raced to the bus yet again. This time we would be taken to a local Christian television show. Mr. Gothard was to be interviewed and we were to be recorded as we sang. Hop out of the bus and walk down a hall, enter the building and follow the way to the recording room. All of us were lined up and told NOT to look at the camera, "Pretend there is an audience out there" is what they told us. They had us do two takes of it and then we were lead upstairs to where Mr. G. was interviewing. A few of the girls recorded their testimony before we all had to go stand in the back of Mr. G as he finished interviewing. There was a short amount of time that we had, so as soon as we were finished we had to go into the bus once again and go to dinner!
They were absolutely brillant and kept us bent in half from laughing so much. We gave a standing ovation for them as they exited the stage. Mr. Gothard was given the rest of the program and began at once to captivate their attention. David was called to give a story....he began with electric energy and intruige. The children leaned in as the suspense mounted. It was acted out by a few of our team members.
Each put their entire effort into making it as expressive as possible. Even going to the point of falling off the stage! It was amazing to listen to the story and watch the children lock onto every word and action. The story ended and we had a few precious minutes to love on the kids and pass out a few character cards. We couldn't be late for our next appointment.
From lunch we had a meeting that we had to be at that was held in the fort at Callao. It was more or less a college and students were there along with other adults. Mr. Gothard was to give the presentation for the enitre meeting. He gave another chalk talk durning it along with testimonies from the staff to reenforce his message of the Seven Basic Needs. It was incredible to look out on the people and see them openly accept the message that was being presented. God was glorified in the building and was strong in our midst. We quickly had to leave the meeting and go to Congress for a Prayer service that they hold in the building. It was amazing to walk into the room and be filled with wonder as you looked around. Members of the Congress that are Christians actually meet together with family and friends for a service of worship and prayer! We sang songs in Spanish and listened as speakers shared and prayed. Mr. Gothard was able to speak as well. I remember closing my eyes and listening to it all. I can't begin to tell you the sounds I heard, but I do know that Jesus was present with us. From the Congress we had to leave right away for the next engagement was waiting for us. Dinner was going to be held in one of the casinos near the shoreline. It was evening by the time we actually arrived at the dinner place. It was already late by the time we arrived and so we knew that we were in for a long drawn out dinner.
Again, more food than you could ever even imagine! It was a beautiful view of the city and coast from high above where we sat. The sounds you heard were priceless...the voices blended of Spanish and English, the clanking of glasses, the bursts of laughter.If you just close your eyes, you don't have to even have them open to see-all you needed was to hear and listen to it all around you. We lost track of time and it was then time to leave. The time being a bit after midnight. Arrival at the hotel didn't happen till about 1am.
It ended all too soon. as we were whisked away to lunch. The lunch was held at a yach club and we were right out on the water as we ate more fish and Peruvian potatoes :)
We left the meeting and went straight to lunch at Teoflios house. Many people were they to enjoy the food, people, and the sun! Yes!!! The sun was shining fiercely as we sat out in their little courtyard. These meal times are becoming just an amazing time of learning from all these people that are hosting us. They are sharing their lives, stories of love and hurt and transformation. Incredible-only Jesus Christ can be glorified in it all.
After eating the fill that could last for the rest of the day, we split the group. About five went to visit an official with Col. Tanner. The rest of us went to visit the woman who is in charge of the womans department. We listened to her as she shared her passion. The passion of protecting those that are abused, used, left alone after becoming pregnant. She told us that their are 190,000 teen pregnancies in a year here. They are trying to offer programs to help these young woman, even the young children that are abused along with them.
Now imagine this-dimly lit street, traffic sounds blaring, haze hanging in the air and 50 boys off the street all together. We really didn't know what was going to come from this next stop. As you step into the open air courtyard there they are, lined up in rows just waiting and not knowing what to expect. Hands extended, you reach out and pour love upon love on them. It shocks them at first, do they accept this? Is it a show or genuine? Yes, genuine Jesus love that loves the unlovely and beraggled. It's like one of those shock waves that explodes and rushes powerfully over the place. That, my friends is the holy power of God. Singing, laughter bounced off the cold walls and flew out into the air. I know that if we could have really SEEN what was happening we would have been blinded by the pure light of His love that was blazing from within. It was so thick with the sweetness of the Spirit of the Lord. The boys were lead to a cry for Jesus to redeem their lives and set them free from sin and acknowledge Him as their Lord and King. It began as a steady prayer and then burst forth into an all out cry! They raised their voices and I couldn't help but lift my hands to praise Him. I watched them as they were speaking to their new Father-I will never forget the one standing just off center. He was being known by Love for the first time, tears poured out and fell into the hands of His King. It was time to leave and we were blown away to say the least. Speechless-no words could come to us, only those of adoration to Jesus. We have all decided that we will come back and see all our new brothers.
The last event for the day was, well what else would it be? Dinner. I must admit that Peruvians know who to eat!!!!! The choice of cuisine- Chinese-with a Peruvian twist. Duck was one of the main courses. Just when you think that you have recieved all the food they could ever put on the table, you are informed that it was only the appetizers!!! Maybe we will learn are lesson some day...... But along with our food we were entertained by the dancers who presented many differenct dances from the regions of Peru. At the end of the dinner we were each presented with a gift from one of the men that was hosting us. We were shocked at the generosity-wow, that word doesn't even describe it. Who are we to be given so much? The only way is Jesus. We have nothing good in and of ourselves-but these people must recognize Jesus. He is good beyond measure.
EZ Photography
Carpe Diem::Seize the day

{Contact Me}
About Me
I am living a euphoric life. Capturing brilliance and breathless moments is my passion. I would love to share in the unforgettable ones in your life.
From walking the dirt roads on foreign soil to capturing the memories of a life time.
I am passionate about catching the details often overlooked, freezing the moments that take your breath away, and painting the souls of people that surround me.
I have captured countless images across Peru, Europe, and the United States
"Have Camera, Will Travel to Exotic Places."
I am passionate about catching the details often overlooked, freezing the moments that take your breath away, and painting the souls of people that surround me.
I have captured countless images across Peru, Europe, and the United States
"Have Camera, Will Travel to Exotic Places."
General information
If interested in contacting me please use the following.
Phone: 630-352-8939
Specializing in:Portraits
{pile of thoughts}
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- David Waller (1)
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- Journey to the Heart (1)
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{Stay and read a while}

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